Change is the Only Constant

How fitting that statement is all these centuries later, as it was written by Heraclitus who lived 535 BC – 475 BC.   Yes, we've changed of sorts as a company, in the sense our name is no longer GunkelmanFlesher Interior Design and we're back to being Gunkelmans Interior Design.

But we're still the same too.

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With our staff of very talented, award winning designers we still give impeccable service, creative design, competitive pricing and listen to your design wants and needs.  We work hard and yet we have fun too!

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We see all the latest trends and products and understand it can be overwhelming and difficult to filter out the good from the bad.   We can help you decide what works best for you.  

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From choosing a paint color to deciding what furnishings you need in a room all the way to helping you work with an architect and/or builder in designing your new home.   Whether you're a first time home buyer or planning your retirement home, we have designers from across the generations who are able to help you with any level of project you have.  Give us a call, we'd be happy to talk to you about your project!   612.333.0526

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