Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Gunkelmans Lifestyle

 Outdoor Entertaining 

Fall is the perfect time for entertaining indoors and out.   If dining outdoors in the cool, crisp air, consider having a fire going with an outdoor fireplace or portable fire pit.   They're great for gathering around and striking up conversation. 

Look to nature for table decorations by using Fall plants from the garden, like pumpkins, squash and gourds.  The beautiful changing leaves are a perfect backdrop to your table setting.  Simple meals with fresh garden salads, yummy soups and hot apple cider are sure to please everyone! 

Fall Table 2


When dining indoors, bring a bit of the outdoors in with a centerpiece made up of beautiful Fall flowers.   The colors are sure to ignite compliments to the hostess!

 Fall table 
Set your table with Fall colored linens in shades of brown, warm olive greens, russets and golds.  Candles on the table offer a pretty glow when the sun sets early in the evening.

Fall Food 

Fall Food 2 

Simple foods that are tasty and are also lovely to look at will be enjoyed by everyone.  Have foods that are easily prepared beforehand so you are certain to enjoy your guests.

And don't forget the music.   Whether lively or subdued, music adds a special touch to any party!

Bon appetit!


images: Fab Over Forty, Collin Cowie

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