Thank you, Thank you!
The 2014 ASID Showcase House has come to an end. Gunkelmans Interior Design has greatly enjoyed being involved, not only in the design of the Sunroom, but also being involved on the committee that works to make it all happen. There are so many people that help make this event occur and run smoothly. Karen McKay and Kayla Vig would like to give a special thanks to the following companies and individuals that loaned or discounted their time and products. This generosity helped make the Sunroom design a success.
1. Shona Dockter Decorative Arts for painting the chest
2. Scherping Westphal for supplying the piano lamp
3. Samantha French for the wall art above the cabinet
4. Accent Drapery for making the pillows, Schumacher and Lee Jofa for the pillow fabrics
5. Tapis Decor for supplying the decorative box
6. Accent Drapery for making the bench seat
7. Circa Gallery and Matthew Bergen for the wall art above the piano
8. Contemporary Blind Design for the window treatments